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Professions and Services
Designing and programming websites and mobile applications
Tec Soft Company for SMART solutions

Designing and programming websites and mobile applications

A licensed Egyptian company that works in designing and programming smart phone applications (Android and iPhone), and designing and programming websites using the latest technologies and international programming languages.
We also work in creating electronic marketing campaigns and designing motion graphic advertising videos.
We also provide hosting and domain reservation services.
We have an integrated work team with experience and the highest levels of competence in all the previous fields, and we have implemented more than 300 smart phone applications in all areas of business (e-store applications - delivery applications - applications for requesting maintenance services - applications for requesting cleaning services - applications for requesting car wash services - Petroleum services applications - as well as specialized applications to suit the type of business for companies), and more than 1,000 websites.
We have a very distinguished precedent in many countries of the world, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, Libya, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Mauritania, and others.
Tec Soft Company – Tec Soft SMART solutions for SMART business
For inquiries from inside Egypt, call us on 01277773580
Or from outside Egypt on 00201277773580
Or on WhatsApp on the same number

To communicate via email
[email protected]

  To communicate through the Tec Soft website - tec soft

Link to Tec Soft's YouTube channel - Tec Soft

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Full Name
Tec Soft Company for SMART solutions

51 Years

اكثر من 10 سنة

Adana / Ceyhan / Adatepe mah.
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