Europe Real Estate Office
- 30 Years of Experience -
"Correct Evaluation, Quick Results"
KIPTAS Complexes in the CATALCA Area
Sales and Rental Office
We are at your service through our third branch within the complex at the Trade Center
KIPTAS Complexes in the CATALCA Area
"The Beauty of the City at Your Fingertips"
Social Facilities:
- Low-Rise Buildings
- Low Building Density
- Open Parking for Each Apartment
- Extensive Green Spaces
- Children's Playground
- Sports Fields
- Two Mosques
- A School with 34 Classrooms
- Market
- 24-Hour Security
Buses (minibuses) passing in front of the complex.
25 minutes away from Istanbul Airport!
For more details, please contact us.
Europe Real Estate Office - CATALCA Branch
0539 611 10 61
Europe Real Estate Office - Main Office - BEYLİKDÜZÜ
Branch 2: KIPTAS CATALCA KONUTLARI (at the Commercial Center)