Self Employed
Transactions of Syrian expatriates inside Syria
ahmed alshbib

Transactions of Syrian expatriates inside Syria

Transactions of Syrian expatriates inside Syria (in absentia without attendance)

Transactions confirming marriage to a foreigner

Transactions confirming marriage from Syria

Birth registration transactions (a child born outside Syria)

Birth registration transactions (a child born inside Syria)

Transactions confirming a consensual divorce without the presence of both spouses

Death confirmation transactions

Extracting all papers from the civil registry (family statement - marriage statement - divorce statement - birth statement - death statement - extracting an individual civil record and many others)

Extracting a criminal record (unconvicted)

All papers and documents are attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for use outside the country and are suitable for attestation by all consulates and embassies of the Syrian regime in the world

Features of the Syria Office for Services:

We do not charge any financial advance before starting work

We do not get paid until we verify the validity of the papers and their presence on the records and on the network

We ship papers from Syria to all countries of the world

We are distinguished by the speed of completion and the accuracy of work

A group of Syrian lawyers specialized in civil affairs

To contact via WhatsApp 00905365474512

#Syria _ for _ legal _ services

#Install _ the _ marriage _ of _ Syria

#Install _ divorce _ Syria

Rating: 0 / 5
0 Evaluation Process
Full Name
ahmed alshbib

38 Years

10 yıldan fazla

Şanlıurfa / Eyyübiye / Eyyübiye mah.
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