Our land is located in KÖRKÜLER neighborhood of YALVAÇ, ISPARTA.
The land area is 20,550 square meters and it is an independent plot.
The land is located next to the lake.
The land has a 125-meter frontage on the main road.
The land is located in an eco-tourism area.
Suitable for building cottages.
There is no electricity or water problem.
It is 300 meters away from residential areas.
It is 15 minutes away from YALVAÇ center.
It is 15 minutes away from YALVAÇ University.
The land is suitable for building warehouses, factories or farms.
The land is suitable for raising animals.
The land is agricultural land that can be cultivated and harvested.
There is a video of the land.
The land is in a prime location.
The land can make good investments with small amounts.
The title deed can be obtained from Istanbul.
For more information, please contact.
Mutual offers are welcome.
Note: The land is our private property and no commission will be taken.