Our land is located in KÖYBAŞI neighborhood, BOLU GÖYNÜK.
The land area is 10,436 square meters and it is an independent plot.
The land is located at the entrance of the village.
The land overlooks two main roads and has a 290-meter frontage.
The land is inside the village.
The land has a wonderful natural view.
There are no electricity or water problems.
It is 25 minutes away from the center of GÖYNÜK.
The land is suitable for building warehouses, factories, or a farm.
The land is suitable for raising animals.
The land is cultivable.
There is a video of the land.
The land is in a beautiful location.
The land can be a good investment at small prices.
For more details, please contact.
We accept exchange offers.
Note: The land is our own and there are no commissions.