- Location: Fer MURAT Street, MAHMUTBEY Main Street ŞİRİNEVLER Neighborhood
- Type: Commercial Shop for Sale.
- Area: 200 m².
- Age: 15 years.
- Condition: Clean, without expenses.
- Ownership: Registered as 3 shops in the title deed
- Facade: Three open facades, the shop is located on the corner of the street.
- Interior area: Not divided due to the presence of a supermarket.
- Geographical location:
- Next to AZKA BİRLİK SİTELERİ complex, the transfer process has started.
- Below is I KERİM ÇAVUŞ Street and it is 200 meters away from BAHÇELİEVLER State Hospital.
The current tenant will leave when the shop is sold.