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Office Jobs
Sales Representative in the Training Field required

Sales Representative in the Training Field required


Sales Representative and Assistant Doctor in Training field required

Company Location in 4 Levent-  kagithane

Required Specifications

- The applicant must be a resident of European Istanbul

The applicant must have an educational qualification.

- Good use of the computer

- Has customer communication skills

- The applicant must have the ability to work under pressure

- Has the ability to explain and make presentations

- Has work ethics, commitment and hard work

- Proficiency in one of the two languages ​​English or Turkish

Work Location Kagithane European Istanbul

- Salary is determined based on the interview in addition to strong commissions

- Please send your CV to the email ning

Please do not call and do not ask about the nature of the work and read the advertisement carefully


To view the company profile, please visit the website

Office Jobs
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