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Office Jobs
Public relations employee

Public relations employee


A public relations employee is required for a commercial company in the field of accessories, gifts and toys.

Conditions for applying for the job:

Having previous experience in the field of international trade, import and export, shipping and transfer operations.
Having experience in buying, selling and negotiation operations.
Tact, ability to negotiate, persuade, and handle work pressure.
Possessing the skills to communicate with others and prepare messages, speeches and presentations related to work.
The applicant must not be more than 40 years old.
Ability to handle computer applications and search online with high efficiency.
Possess a university degree.
Organization at work and the ability to work in a team spirit.
Ability to follow up and possess basic administrative skills.

It is preferable that the following conditions be met:

mastering English language.
Mastering the Turkish language.
Possess a driving license.

For those who meet the conditions only, please send your CV via email:

Mentioning the job title in the mail subject (public relations)

Office Jobs
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