Land with an area of 5500 square meters for sale in Tekirdağ Malkara Yaylagöne, near the construction zone, within the village.
9,900,000 TL

A plot of land with an area of 1273 square meters, with a construction permit for sale in Tekirdağ Malkara Yaylagöne. "
2,390,000 TL

A 500 square meter plot of land, single piece, with a construction permit for sale in Tekirdağ Malkara Yaylagöne.
1,450,000 TL

Land for sale with an area of 6628 square meters in TEKİRDAĞ SARAY KÜÇÜKYONCALI
4,800,000 TL

Agricultural land for sale with an area of 309m in TEKİRDAĞ MARMARAEREĞLİSİ CEŞMELİ
199,000 TL

Land with independent title deed for sale in Tekirdağ Kapaklı, Bahçelievler neighborhood.
2,440,000 TL

Plot of land for sale with an area of 300 square meters designated for building a villa in MARMARAEREĞLİSİ DEREAĞZI.
2,000,000 TL

An investment land with an area of 309 square meters in Tekirdağ, Marmara Ereğlisi, Çeşmeli.
199,000 TL

Independent land with an area of 3600 square meters in Tekirdağ, Muratlı, Kırkkepenekli.
1,080,000 TL

1300 meters from Çorlu Airport - from Şah Emlak
11,000,000 TL

Villa for sale next to the state hospital in the MARMARA EREĞLİ GÖKSU complex.
7,450,000 TL

Summer house for sale 200 m from the sea in TEKIRDAG EREGLI
5,100,000 TL

Land for sale with street frontage in Tekirdağ Kapaklı.
4,850,000 TL

A commercial warehouse with an area of 320 square meters for rent in the Demir Ekosan Sanayi complex.
90,000 TL

Urgent land for sale, 140 square meters in the area of MARMARA EREĞLİSİ - SULTANKÖY.
570,000 TL

Fully furnished luxury apartment for rent with a view of nature in CUMHURİYET
20,000 TL

A plot of land measuring 402 square meters next to the village in the Mesinli Ergene district of the Tekirdağ region.
1,170,000 TL

A fruit orchard with an area of 9300 square meters in Tekirdağ Şarköy Çınarlı
5,700,000 TL

Land with an area of 7,440 square meters for investment in Çorlu Velimeşe
7,000,000 TL

A subdivided plot of land prepared for construction with an area of 1,132 square meters in the TEKİRDAĞ ERGENE VELİMEŞE neighborhood.
6,250,000 TL

Investment land in TEKİRDAĞ, ÇERKEZMÜSELLİM neighborhood, from ATAK GAYRİMENKUL
1,100,000 TL

A share of agricultural land measuring 250 square meters within the reconstruction plans in MALKARA.
435,000 TL

Land at an affordable price near the garage in ÇORLU, HATİP neighborhood
1,500,000 TL

Land for sale with an area of 800 square meters, enclosed and fenced.
1,325,000 TL