From the authorized dealer DEMAR, get the BENELLİ LEONCİNO250 with a big cash discount!
163,300 TL
From the authorized dealer DEMAR, BENELLI LEONCİNO 250 (Huge campaign when paying in cash)!
181,702 TL
From the authorized distributor DEMAR, a BENELLİ 752-S motorcycle (special cash price) immediate delivery
353,800 TL
BENELLI 125-S Motor (Special Cash Price) Immediate Delivery
105,800 TL
BENELLI TRK 251 motorcycle from the authorized dealer DEMAR (cash discount)!!!
176,320 TL
BENELLI TRK 702X (Special price for cash payment) Installment with credit card - from DEMAR MOTOR
375,550 TL
BENELLI TRK 251 (Special price for cash payment) Installment with credit card - from DEMAR MOTOR
170,200 TL