Ford 2015 model with a 24-month installment plan - Trade-in - Loan - 12 installments on a credit card - Land exchange accepted - Buy your car for cash.
766,000 TL

FORD CUSTOM - Model 2016 - Well maintained without modifications.
549,500 TL

FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM, 2018 model, new style, 170 horsepower, 166,000 km mileage, no defects, loan available - from DİCLE
899,000 TL

FORD COSTUM 310L DELÜXE 5+1 seats complete with accessories.!
1,095,000 TL

Ford Transit Custom, the only one in Turkey, seats 5 + 1, full specifications DELÜXE.
785,000 TL

FORD CUSTOM 310L DELUXE 155 horsepower, fully equipped with all accessories
715,000 TL

FORD TRANSIT CUSTOM with full specifications and complete accessories from ROYAL AUTO
615,000 TL

TRANSIT CUSTOM 310S DELUXE 5+1 full accessories.
495,000 TL

Ford Custom 310L Deluxe with a full specification and accessories, 155 horsepower.
715,000 TL

Ford Transit CUSTOM 310S DELUXE with 155 Horsepower Full Accessories
695,000 TL