Mercedes-Benz car, 2020 model, with 71,000 km mileage, panoramic roof, 7 seats, AMG.
2,439,000 TL

Audi A4 car, 2013 model, 156,000 km - no faults, no paint, no damage
1,580,000 TL

BMW car, 2015 model with 119,000 km, full luxury.
1,795,000 TL

2022 model car with 19,000 km, no errors, 4*4, glass roof
2,829,000 TL

Volkswagen Passat Car, model 2019, with 125,000 km, automatic diesel, black color, with beige interior.
1,335,000 TL

2018 Jeep Renegade with 125,000 km mileage; no defects, paintwork, or dents.
1,100,000 TL

Hyundai Accent Blue, model 2013, automatic transmission, with 235,000 km mileage.
589,000 TL

BMW M Sport, 2022 model with 49,000 km
3,085,000 TL

Renault Kadjar 1.5 DCI, model 2017, diesel automatic, glass roof, mileage 150,000 km, TOUCH ROOF.
1,095,000 TL

Fiat Palio model 2004 with 255,000 km mileage
195,000 TL

Mercedes-Benz AMG Model 2023 odometer 6100 km without defects from the dealer
5,489,000 TL

Mercedes-Benz Model 2015, AMG Diesel, All-Wheel Drive, Odometer 148,000 km
2,589,000 TL

Hyundai İ20 TGDİ 1.6 2022 - No defects or paint, with 59,000 km mileage, with 204 horsepower.
1,465,000 TL

Hyundai i20 N Model 2022, 1.6 TGDİ with 204 horsepower, mileage 58,000 km, no defects or paintwork.
1,465,000 TL