For sale: Agricultural land of 12,300 square meters in Babaeski, Kırklareli.
2,580,000 TL

Land for urgent sale surrounded by a fence near the village of BABAESKİ MANDIRA in KIRKLARELİ province and near the village.
3,500,000 TL

Agricultural land with a single title deed facing the OTOBAN highway in the BABAESKİ area.
930,000 TL

Land for sale with an area of 338 square meters in BABAESKİ KURTULUŞ (suitable for exchange with a car)
1,450,000 TL

Agricultural land facing the road with an area of 705 square meters in KIRKLARELİ BABAESKİ
3,500,000 TL

Licensed land for construction with an area of 985 square meters in KIRKLARELİ BABAESKİ KARAHALİL
1,990,000 TL

Land for sale in KIRKLARELİ, BABAESKİ, MÜSELLİM, with a single title deed, area of 1843 m²
950,000 TL

Independent land 10,000 square meters with a single title deed in KIRKLARELİ BABAESKİ MÜSELLİM
1,650,000 TL