????Specifications, address, number and price in pictures and a professional graphics card 4 GB, basic, light 12 ???? Hp type processor i7 7th generation ⬇⬇⬇⬇
Intel ® Core i7 -7500U CPU @2.70GHz
* RAM: (16) gigabytes
* Hard: (256) ssd, booting seconds
* Two screen balls
* The first: 620 Fatih, 8 GB, Intel (R) HD Graphics
* The second discrete professional: 4. Basic light 12 GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 940 MX
Screen measuring 15.6 HD
* Full keyboard for accounting programs
Driver DVD Sup .MTL
Bluetooth + Wireless
Windows 10 full Arabic
Accessories bag + power cord + charger
** The final price ($ 450 $) It is located in European Istanbul (Zeytinburnu) to communicate for serious people???? 05544425127: phone call exclusively. Sorry for not responding to comments