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Learn about Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), its history, and its objectives

Learn about Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), its history, and its objectives

TIKA, or the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, is an organization affiliated with the Turkish government, established in 1992. TIKA was created to enhance international development cooperation and contribute to humanitarian and developmental efforts in various countries, especially in regions historically and culturally connected to Turkey.

History and Launch of TIKA

Establishment: TIKA was established on January 24, 1992, coinciding with the geopolitical changes and the openness experienced by newly independent states from the Soviet Union. There was a pressing need to strengthen ties and cooperation with these states.

Growth and Expansion: TIKA began its activities in the Turkic states and later expanded to other regions such as the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

International Offices: As of 2023, TIKA has coordination offices in over 60 countries worldwide, managing diverse cooperative projects and activities.

Objectives of TIKA's Establishment

Promoting Sustainable Development: Supporting sustainable development projects in partner countries to improve economic and social conditions.

Cultural Cooperation: Strengthening cultural and educational ties through the restoration of historical sites, implementing educational projects, and facilitating academic exchange.

Humanitarian Assistance: Providing immediate humanitarian aid during natural disasters and crises.

Economic Development: Supporting infrastructure, agriculture, health, education, and rural development projects that contribute to economic development.

Capacity Building: Organizing training courses and educational programs to improve competencies and skills in partner countries.

TIKA continues to play a pivotal role in Turkey’s foreign policy by fostering international relations and cooperation, enhancing Turkish influence, and promoting peace and development globally.

Number of TIKA Coordination Offices Worldwide

Since the early 2000s, the concept of Turkish foreign policy underwent significant changes as Turkey aspired to become an active player in the region and the world. In light of these changes, TIKA expanded its area of assistance, with the number of its program coordination offices increasing from 12 in 2002 to 25 in 2011, and then to 33 by 2012.

Today, TIKA continues its activities across 62 coordination offices in 60 partner countries in development. The number of countries receiving aid from Turkey increases daily based on its active and principled foreign policy. The aid provided by Turkey through TIKA to friendly and brotherly countries aims to establish a region characterized by peace and prosperity.

TIKA facilitates cooperation among public institutions, universities, civil society organizations, and the private sector, uniting them around common grounds. It also documents the development aid provided by Turkey.

Turkish Aid Volume and TIKA’s Share

Turkey increased its development aid volume from $85 million in 2002 to $3.913 billion in 2015 and then to $8.120 billion* in 2017. Simultaneously, Turkey is the country providing the largest amount of humanitarian aid globally.

TIKA continues its cooperative activities aiming for development in approximately 150 different countries across 5 continents, including those with TIKA coordination offices. Turkey, through TIKA, now shares information and expertise with many countries worldwide, from the Pacific to Central Asia, from Africa and the Middle East to the Balkans, and from the Caucasus to Latin America.

* $8.12 billion is the total amount of official development assistance provided by our country in 2017, not solely by TIKA. TIKA’s share was 2.7% of the aid provided by Turkey in 2017.

Organizational Structure of TIKA

Organizational Structure of TIKA

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