When purchasing a title deed before any procedure, it is necessary first
to clarify who will pay the title deed and property tax,
to take into account the payment of the real estate agent, the title deed, the file costs and insurance,
to search for the appropriate housing loan and choose the net loan amount and the due date - (for those who will use the housing loan),
to submit an application to the bank with all the required documents, including a copy of the title deed - (for those who will use a mortgage),
to clarify how the payment will be made, and to check the maximum transfer limit to bank accounts,
to obtain the mandatory earthquake insurance (ZDS), commonly known as DASK, or to check its validity,
to obtain the current price from the municipality in which the house is located, and if it is not paid, to pay the property tax.
Mortgage documents and mortgage officer information must be obtained from the bank – (for those who will use the mortgage loan),
The owner of the title deed or his representative must apply to the Land Registry Office with the necessary documents,
The fee must be paid according to the appointment information received via SMS,
The mortgage officer of the bank must be notified of the date and time of the appointment – (for those who will use the mortgage loan)
Upon completion of the purchase of the title deed
All buyers and sellers (or their representatives) must be present at the title deed at the time of the appointment with their identification documents,
For illiterate buyers and sellers, two witnesses who are not related must be brought.
Receipts of the fees paid must be handed over to the employee who made the transaction,
The sales documents must be signed by all buyers and sellers in the contracting room,
In case of using a loan, the loan opening documents must be signed at the bank - (for those who will use a mortgage loan)
After completing the title deed purchase process
The relevant institutions must be visited to carry out invoice transfer transactions,
The residence transfer procedures must be carried out by going to the Civil Registry Office,
The property tax notice must be submitted to the relevant municipality,