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Female retention employee required, experienced, for a Forex company in Avcilar

Female retention employee required, experienced, for a Forex company in Avcilar


Retention employee required (females only) - non-female applicants will not be considered - with at least 4 years of experience in the field of trading and investment *Experience is a prerequisite exclusively in the field of trading (Forex).

Salaries in dollars.

Excellent commissions and bonus system.

One of the best companies in appreciating the seriousness of work and giving bonuses.

Two days off per week.

Comfortable work environment with commitment.


Previous experience in the field of referral exclusively in the field of trading and Forex. Essential condition

Experience in communication and the ability to persuade.

Full-time work from Sunday to Thursday.

Working hours from 9:30 am "to 06:00 pm.

* Please contact only if you have experience and the rest of the conditions

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