Job listing in Turkey
Sales and Marketing Jobs
Digital Marketer Specialist, Fluent English | Akros Istanbul

Digital Marketer Specialist, Fluent English | Akros Istanbul

Anemone International 

is looking for a Digital marketer who can manage the following :


1. Strategy Development

(create comprehensive marketing strategies that align with the organization's overall goals. identify target audiences, analyze market trends, and choose the most effective digital channels and tactics to reach potential customers)

2. Content Creation and Management

(Creating engaging and relevant content is a key part of digital marketing. This includes writing blog posts, creating videos, designing graphics, and managing social media content. Content should resonate with the target audience and convey the brand's message) 

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

(optimize website content and structure to improve search engine rankings. This involves keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and monitoring search engine algorithm changes.)

4. Social Media Marketing

(managing & developing social media strategies, create content calendars, engage with followers, and use paid advertising to reach specific demographics)

5. Email Marketing

(Crafting effective email campaigns helps nurture leads and maintain customer relationships. design email templates, create compelling content, segment email lists, and track campaign performance)

6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

(use platforms like Google Ads and social media ads to create targeted advertising campaigns. manage budgets, create ad copy, select keywords, and monitor ad performance to ensure a positive return on investment)

7. Data Analysis and Reporting

(analyze data from various sources, such as website analytics, social media insights, and email campaign metrics. use this data to measure the effectiveness of marketing strategies and make informed decisions to optimize future campaigns)

8. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

(Improving the efficiency of digital marketing campaigns is a key focus. Digital marketers identify areas for improvement in user experience, landing pages, and conversion funnels to increase the likelihood of conversions)

9. Marketing Automation

(Using tools and platforms,  automate repetitive tasks such as email scheduling, social media posting, and lead nurturing)

10. Stay Updated

(need to stay informed about the latest trends, algorithms, and technologies to adapt their strategies and tactics accordingly)

11. Collaboration

(work closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, developers, content creators, and sales teams, to ensure a cohesive marketing strategy)

12. Brand Management

(play a role in maintaining and enhancing the brand's online reputation. monitor online mentions and engage with customers to manage brand perception)


• Master's degree in marketing, communications, or related field

• 5+ years of experience in digital marketing or related field

• Strong understanding of digital marketing channels, including SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing, and display advertising

• Proficient in marketing automation tools

• Excellent analytical skills and experience with web analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics)

• Strong project management skills

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills

• HTML and Website Management

Send your professional CV to:

Working Days: Monday - Friday

Working hours : 09:00am - 07:00pm

Sales and Marketing Jobs
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