Peliza Pre-Cooked Corn Flour / دقيق ذرة مطبوخ مسبقًا
Product Name : Pregelatinized Corn Flour
Product Type : Pellet Flour
Product Origin : Turkiye
Product Code : 8681511314286
Pregelatinized Corn Flour does not contain foreign taste, odor, live or dead insects or parts.
It has its own smell and taste.
It has its own color and appearance.
NUTRIENTSIn 100 gramEnergy (kcal/kj)395,7Kcal / 1656,71 kj Max.Fat%3,7 Saturated Fat%0,03Carbonhydrate%83Sugars%18,5Fiber%1,2Protein%7Salt mg0,1 Max.Moisture%14 Max.Ash%0,55 Max.